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产品关键字:拉链 纽扣 花边 织带 吊牌 商标 衬布 里布 缝纫线 衣架 模特 里料 包装 垫肩 网布 底布 划粉 粘合衬 松紧带
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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> 深圳市成丰工艺织带厂
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主  营: 辅料
产  品: 手机吊带,pvc吊带,手腕带,提花织带,包边带。
公司介绍: Shenzhen Chengfeng Technical Belt Factory is one of the biggest lanyard and strap manufacturing factory in Zhu triangle area, which affiliated with the Success Industrial (Hong Kong) Limited. We have the ability for R&D Manufacturing and marketing integratedly.

Our factory has been accepted by AFAQ -EAQA and complies with the Quality Management System requirements of ISO9001: 2000 in 2004.

We specialize in manufacturing of straps, lanyards and belts, including mobile phone straps with small ornament, straps for factory entrance card, earphone lanyard with flasher for radio, Mp3 straps, Chinese knots.

We also can supply products such as elastic tape for corsets, belt for canvas bags, self gripping fastener, wrist strap, gift strap, ribbed band, shoelace, printed label tape, safe belt, decoration ribbon on curtain & safa, shoulder protector, elbow supporter, arm guard, wrist supporter, athletic supporter, kneecap supporter, leg guard, ankle supporter, surgical PBT bandage , and etc. for different styles such as jacquard, screen printing, digitized transfer printing. They are made of different kinds of materials including cotton, nylon, polyster (pp) and PVC.

With more than 600 sets of advanced production machines and high quality facilities, Our daily producing ability is more than 180,000 yards of strap, 280,000 yards of lanyard.

地  区: 广东 深圳
地  址: 深圳市龙岗区布吉镇京南工业区科林伦大厦二楼

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