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产品关键字:拉链 纽扣 花边 织带 吊牌 商标 衬布 里布 缝纫线 衣架 模特 里料 包装 垫肩 网布 底布 划粉 粘合衬 松紧带
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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> 带之尊纺织有限公司
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产  品: 绒丝带、尼龙缎带、涤龙缎带、魔术贴、工业用线 等等。
公司介绍: Wing Tat haberdashery company limited ever since its establishment in 1986.The company has progressively expanded its scope and scale of businesses. To cope with the expansion and challenges. Over the years, the company has developed three sizable factories in Dongguan of china. Namely: Wing Hiang belt weaving Ltd.,WTH textile co.,Ltd., And ShingLem

chemical fibre co., Ltd., With all these developments in place, Wing Tat has now become a multilateral garment accessories group enterprise, including a total production area of 600,000 square feet with a force of 1000 skillful workers. To ensure top quality, besides the full team of professionals managing each production line, the

company has been using sophisticated machinery equipment from Europe and imported raw materials directly from USA , Germany , Taiwan and Japan . Also, all dyeing materials are internationally accepted low poisonous standard and AZO free. Wing Tat haberdashery company Ltd., has already obtained ISO 9001 in the year of 2001. Owing to our high demand in quality productions and services, our products in terms of quality and pricing are well recognized and accepted in the Europe and North America. As a commitment to the industry and our clients, our company will continue to invest on equipment and people to ensure high standard of quality products and services.

地  区: 上海 上海市
地  址: 上海市延安西路市贸商城6楼B50-49

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