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产品关键字:拉链 纽扣 花边 织带 吊牌 商标 衬布 里布 缝纫线 衣架 模特 里料 包装 垫肩 网布 底布 划粉 粘合衬 松紧带
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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> 北京洛思琪服饰有限公司
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主  营: 辅料
产  品: 中高档金属纽扣,商标吊牌,等服装辅料
公司介绍: 洛思琪服饰辅料有限公司
Our companys auto 1990 year fukien (shishi) establish,1993 year Guangdong (dongguan) create bat batch plant, syndicate factory building about ten thousand six kilo polypeptide square meter, employee a thousand odd body, specialized capacity sundry dress conenzyme the, scale is great. Depend polypeptide in the last years accumulative abundance the experience, lstest mechanical epuipment, resort of high-efficiency computer operating management, mass already arrive international recognize the standard, product throughout world-wind locations, such as, Europe, United states, japan, Korea.
Our companys hold firm“ beg the subsistence with the mass, and begthe shape with the product, and beg the performance with the superintendence”for the aim, aetioporphyrin beg solid, keep promise creative, and offer the excellence sell the spirit of the ex-after-sales servine, with all sincerity welcome your change hands consortium, weave the future

地  区: 北京 北京
地  址: 北京市丰台区木樨园双城公寓B-20-E

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