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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> Createx Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
Createx Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
  企业介绍  联系方式  
主  营: 面料
产  品: High moisture permeability and waterproof高透濕高防水性,高科技高品質長纖布料,High Technology Fabric
公司介绍: Createx is a manufacturer and exporter of high quality fabric. We have many professional treatments such as High moisture permeability and waterproof高透濕高防水性, Perspiration absorbency and easy drying吸汗快乾, Stretchability伸縮彈性, Bacterial resistance抗菌, Stain release防污, Oil repellence撥油, Flame retardancy難燃, UV. cut紫外線遮蔽, Durable water repellency超撥水,PU/PTFE Coating and Lamination, Foam Coating …etc. Our products include Nylon Fabric, Nylon66 faric, Polyester Fabric, N/T, N/C Fabric, Microfiber Fabric, Stretchable fabric (Lycra)… for Casual wear, Sports wear, Skiwear, Garments, Wedding dress, Bag, Shoe, Hat, Glove, Tent, Furniture…etc.
Beside this, we would like to promote you our new product -- Createx membrane and Createx glove. The Createx membrane is a PTFE membrane which GORE laminate it onto fabric and it calls Gore-Tex fabric. The Createx membrane has a water resistance of over 10,000 mm (JIS) and a moisture permeability of 14,000 g/㎡-24hr (JIS).

Ascribed to the first clas
地  区:  
地  址: 7F,No.429 Ming Teh Rd.,Toulu City

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