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产品关键字:拉链 纽扣 花边 织带 吊牌 商标 衬布 里布 缝纫线 衣架 模特 里料 包装 垫肩 网布 底布 划粉 粘合衬 松紧带
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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> 上海恒光工艺品有限公司
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主  营: 服装辅料
产  品: 服装辅料
公司介绍: Shanghai hengguang art products co. , LTD.

Our company having adopted high quality imported PVC, PU, genuine leather, silicone (environment-friendly material), fibres, etc, as raw material and equipped with advanced mechanical equipment and unique techniques, the company can prouduce a variety of premium quality trademarks, hardware accessories and buttons, which are widely applied to the accessories of chothes ,shoes, leather products ,bags and cases, as well as the gifts like key rings, hanging tags,maqnetic stick-on material, cup mats and tourist souvenirs ,etc.

The company has set up its own factory, which can supply a full process of production including computerized modelling , samplesmaking and manufacturing in batches according to customer’s specific designs and needs, Besides, it is characteristic of quick delivery of goods and satifactory services.

地  区: 上海 
地  址: 上海市闵行区莘庄莘北西路3号

友情链接:中国服装时尚网 中国服装辅料网 更多...
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